OxCheps Publications HE Law Update Notes Occasional Papers


This Page provides links to various books by David Palfreyman (and co-authors) and also to the two Series that he has co-edited from OxCHEPS.


Farrington & Palfreyman on ‘The Law of Higher Education’ (third edition 2021, Oxford University Press)

Amazon || Oxford University Press

The Law of Higher Education, 3rd edition

Palfreyman & Temple, ‘Universities and Colleges: A Very Short Introduction’ (2017, Oxford University Press)

Amazon || Oxford University Press

Universities and Colleges: A Very Short Introduction

Palfreyman & Tapper, ‘Reshaping the University: The Rise of the Regulated Market in Higher Education’ (2014, Oxford University Press)

Amazon || Oxford University Press

Reshaping the University

Palfreyman, ‘The Oxford Tutorial’ (2019, Amazon/Kindle - also in Chinese & Korean editions)


Additional editions in Korean and Chinese languages

  • Peking University Press Chinese translation, 2010
  • Bada Publishing Korean translation, 2019

The Oxford Tutorial

Palfreyman/Tapper/Thomas, ‘Towards the Private Funding of Higher Education: Ideological and Political Struggles’ (2018, Routledge)

Amazon || Routledge


Towards the Private Funding of Higher Education

Palfreyman & Tapper, ‘Structuring Mass Higher Education: The Role of Elite Institutions’ (2009, Routledge)

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Structuring Mass Higher Education

Tapper & Palfreyman, ‘Understanding Mass Higher Education: Comparative perspectives on access’ (2005, Routledge)

Amazon || Routledge


Tapper & Palfreyman, ‘The Collegial Tradition in the Age of Mass Higher Education’ (2010, Springer)


The Collegial Tradition in the Age of Mass Higher Education

Tapper & Palfreyman, ‘Oxford, the Collegiate University: Conflict, Consensus, and Continuity‘ (2011, Springer)


Oxford, and the Collegiat University

Tapper & Palfreyman, ‘Oxford and the Decline of the Collegiate Tradition’ (2000, Woburn)


Oxford and the Decline of the Collegiat Tradition

Warner & Palfreyman, ‘Higher Education Management: The Key Elements’ (1996, Open University Press)


Higher Education Management

The 26 volumes of the ‘International Studies in Higher Education’ series edited by Palfreyman/Tapper/Thomas at the Routledge website

Amazon || Routledge

International Trends in University Governance

Selected texts from the 17 volumes of the ‘Managing Universities and Colleges’ series edited by Warner & Palfreyman

  • Good Governance in Higher Education


Good Governance in Higher Education
  • Civic and Community Engagement


Civic and Community Engagement
  • Institutional Self-Study


  • The Question of Morale: Managing Happiness and Unhappiness in University Life


  • Managing Strategy


  • Managing Stress


  • Managing Crisis



The 3 volumes of the ‘Palfreyman’s London'
